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IDKF - SATURDAY 5th November 2022 @ Kulturinsel Stuttgart

Sat, 05 Nov


Kulturinsel Stuttgart

IDKF - SATURDAY 5th November 2022 @ Kulturinsel Stuttgart (ex-Club Zollamt), Güterstraße 4, 70372 Stuttgart 18:00 - 20:00 Installation | mutable bodies #1: soft-speaking (2020) - Sara Constant 18:00 - 20:00 Algorithmic Random Selected AV Exhibition | Various Artists 20:00 - 22:00 Concert / Perf

IDKF - SATURDAY 5th November 2022   @ Kulturinsel Stuttgart
IDKF - SATURDAY 5th November 2022   @ Kulturinsel Stuttgart

Zeit & Ort

05 Nov 2022, 18:00 – 23:00

Kulturinsel Stuttgart, Güterstraße 4, 70372 Stuttgart, Deutschland

Über die Veranstaltung

IDKF is an atypical event. It confronts  conventions. An exception to traditional festivals. Eclectic, eccentric  and uncurated, it introduces itself as an instance for all kind of  creative expressions, gathering artists from diverse areas and  disciplines that explore the conjugation of art and technology. The  festival is conceived as a large-scale artistic intervention,  scrutinizing the democratization of art and culture in a heightened  interconnected society influenced by complex hybrid networks that  convolve virtuality and reality. Seeking to rethink the way in which art  should be presented and perceived, several works will be exhibited in  unusual locations that escape common places e.g. art galleries and  concert halls. In this sense, IDKF opens a new space to incentive and  propagate creative practices beyond standards, stimulating the exchange  of ideas, critical thinking, aesthetics and cultural backgrounds. An  invitation for the audience to experiment with the concept of locality  and different levels of perception.

IDKF - SATURDAY 5th November 2022

@ Kulturinsel Stuttgart (ex-Club Zollamt), Güterstraße 4, 70372 Stuttgart

18:00 - 20:00 Installation | mutable bodies #1: soft-speaking (2020) - Sara Constant

18:00 - 20:00 Algorithmic Random Selected AV Exhibition | Various Artists

20:00 - 22:00 Concert / Performance |like ghosts - Sara Constant / Various Artists | Guitarra+ - Andrés González / Various Artists

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Kulturinsel Stuttgart non-profit GmbH

Güterstrasse 4, 70372 Stuttgart

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