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You would like to volunteer? 

At Kulturinsel Stuttgart, you can become part of a great team of volunteers!
Because volunteering is at the heart of our community. Whether you help at events, work in the garden or look after visitors - your time is invaluable.
We welcome people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you have time on a regular basis or only sporadically - your help makes a big difference.
Become part of our volunteer family and experience the joy of being part of a vibrant community. Feel free to contact us to find out more about how you can get involved with Kulturinsel :)
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European Voluntary Work
ESC - European Solidarity Corps

In 2023, Kulturinsel was awarded the seal of quality for volunteer activities in the European Solidarity Corps (ESK) and is currently one of thirteen host organisations for long-term volunteers in Stuttgart. The ethical principles, goals and offers of the Kulturinsel correspond to a high degree to the focal points of the ESK programme. 

The projects encourage young members of our society to participate for the common good and inspire them to become involved in civil society as part of the European Voluntary Service programme. 

Kulturinsel has many years of experience in international co-operation and EU projects. In addition, the aim is to further expand future volunteer and honorary service projects. 


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Kulturinsel Stuttgart non-profit GmbH

Güterstrasse 4, 70372 Stuttgart

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